Monday, July 28, 2008
Pandemics vs. DOE
Despite the odds being stacked largely against us, the Pandemics still gave DOE a good fight. By reducing a few defensive errors, getting a few of the awful calls DOE made, and having all of our players, the outcome would have been different… But the stars aligned for DOE and it led them to victory by the final score 16-17.
A few shout outs for outstanding play. Andy Briggs played the game of his life, hitting 3 homeruns and one double. Drew Smith, after changing his entire wardrobe to remove a batting curse, got his bat cranking again driving in two homeruns…It must have been the pink underwear. Rebecca Ayer not only played a terrific game, but also served as the DOE punching bag. On defense, Ayer stepped in-front of several screaming line drives to prevent the ball from getting into the outfield. In the final inning, Rebecca was rounding 3rd on her way home to tie the game up and was clobbered by a DOE player in an effort to make the tag. The tag launched Ayer into a motionless flight that brought her laying a good 5 feet from the point of impact. She is accepting “get well cards” from players around the league.
Despite these great performances, the Pandemics suffered our first loss of the season. As people say about great teams that lose right before March Madness, this loss can be a good thing if we rebound with more determination to bring the championship home. I have no doubt we can finish the season strong, we need to keep our heads up and win our final season game against HUD next week, and then rally through the playoffs! Remember we still sit tied for first place, and a win next week puts us squarely in first place as the tiebreaker is based on points, and the team we are tied with hasn’t scored as many points as we have.
Please put next Wednesday on your calendar, we need a good showing. Thanks for all your support, I will send out more details on the game next week as it develops!
Monday, July 21, 2008
HHS v. FEMA: 19 - 0!
It was another big game for the Pandemics last night as they took to the field against the surging squad from FEMA. The wooden FEMA bats must have been drenched with formaldehyde as they had a difficult time getting anything going offensively. Or, the credit could be given to the outstanding Pandemics defense led by Jeff Anderson at short stop. Jeff played incredible defense throughout the game; even after suffering a pulled hamstring following a 2 run double in the early innings. In the bottom of the 6th with 2 outs, Anderson scooped up a hard hit grounder, sprinted to tag second base, and then successfully zipped the ball to 1st to record a double play…bringing us to 4 outs in one inning. It was spectacular! Joanne Chiedi, Matt Shiraki, and Ben Sasse also demonstrated golden glove defensive plays in the outfield.
On the offensive side of the game, all I need to say is Angela Glenn, Angela Glenn, and WOW, Angela Glenn. Angela elevated our team to a new level with her powerful batting demonstration. In a typical Glenn fashion, she stepped up to the plate with her sleeves rolled up, revealing her ripped biceps, triceps, and all the other muscles she has that I’ve never seen before. The pitcher mistakenly lofted her a pitch that was coated with butter…Glenn’s muscles tensed, her bat ripped, and the outfielders turned and ran…Glenn recorded her second home run of the season! At her next at bat the same thing happened, but she was held at 3rd base to allow the next batter, Coach Nelson, to hit her in. Other big bats were had by the surging Preeya Noronha who was 3 for 3 on the night, Coach Nelson with two home runs, and Rebecca Ayer who also smashed one into center field.
At the end of the game FEMA was left eating donuts. Final score PANDEMICS: 19, FEMA: 0. Can you say 8-0?

Monday, July 14, 2008
HHS Pandemics vs. Department of Interior Buffalos

As the grueling work week came to a close this past Friday, the small in number but Mighty Pandemics faced off against the Department of Interior in an effort to defend their 6-0 record.
Preeya and Angela take a quick break from the action
In the first few innings, the Pandemics defense looked vulnerable allowing 4 batters to cross home plate. Then Rich McKeown, our very own Chief of Staff, descended like a defensive angel upon our game. Rich’s presence elevated our defense to a new level. Following the second inning, our defense led by Matthew Shiraki at 1st base held Interior to only 2 runs. Newcomer to the team, Mike “Wizard of Oz” Qualter, was like the Three Gorges Dam in China (the largest and most powerful dam in the world), stopping everything that came his way. He had a series of zingers that were hit his way that he calmly scooped up and tossed to Shiraki at first. Preeya Noronha also gave our defense a spark by running down and snagging a high hit foul ball to bring an inning, which could have gotten out of hand, to a close.
Bill eyes home plate as Mike looks on
In his first appearance of the season, Bill Steiger showed up a little late, blasted a few runs in with his powerful batting, and then departed merrily on his bike. It was great having Steiger back in action! The Pandemic women provided a great spark to our team, not only with their looks, but also their bats. In the final inning Preeya approached the plate with a newly developed swing and a runner on 3rd base desperate to score. Preeya stepped up and smashed the ball over the head’s of the infielders to score our final run! It was a great way to end the game making the FINAL SCORE: Pandemics: 19, DOI: 6.

Congratulations to the Pandemics on our win!! We still sit at the top our league at 7-0!!
Our next game is this Thursday against the Department of Homeland Security. This will be a game that counts against our record even though it is not on our calendar. We were scheduled to play DHS later in the season, but because we are ending early, we need to get all of our games made up by August 8 so we can start the playoffs. Please let me know if you are able to play on Thursday! We will be playing at the Washington Monument Field. We also have a game the following Monday, July 21, so please put that on your calendars as well.
Please put Saturday, August 23rd on your calendar for the last day of the league playoffs. This year, for the playoffs, all teams will play their first round game during a ten day period between August 11 and 23. If we…excuse me, when we win that game, we then are seeded to play in the tournament on the 23rd. On the 23rd, games will start in the morning around 10 a.m., and the winners will continue to play. The two teams that get to the championship will play 3 games that day. It will be a lot of softball, but loads of fun! Food and drinks will be provided, so please mark that day on your calendar and be ready to come out and help the Pandemics win it all!
Coach Nelson
Friday, June 27, 2008
Pandemics vs. USTR
Following almost a month off, it was clear there was a little rust around the edges in the first few innings. However, the Pandemics were able to keep it close with some big home runs by Mark Phillippee and Drew Smith. On one of Mark’s home runs, he pulled a creative move to disguise his talent. On the first pitch he gave a swing that brought mockery from the Pandemics bench…it looked like he was attempting to hit the ball back to the pitcher, if even that far. Following this pathetic display of talent, the outfielders came in thinking he wouldn’t be able to clear the infield. On the next pitch, Philippe unloaded on the ball and drove it well over the left fielders head; he walked the bases for a home run. Drew Smith also impressed us with his fancy base running. On one of his homeruns, Drew got caught in a hotbox between 3rd base and home plate. As the catcher threw the ball back to the 3rd basewoman, she caught her checking out Drew’s bulging biceps and the ball sailed past her. Drew dove head first into 3rd, realized the ball had been overthrown, got up and ran in to complete his homer… The 3rd basewoman was disappointed to learn Drew has a girlfriend.
At their first Pandemic appearance, the Croshaw family showed up in strength including Andrew, Vanessa, Grant, Faith, Clark and Johnny. The kids helped keep the team moral high cheering us on from the sideline! On Andrew’s first at bat his kids were cheering him on like he was competing for the Olympic gold. Croshaw stepped up and cranked one about 3 feet in front of home plate. However, he took off running at lightning speed to arrive safely at first, his kids were as proud as could be! While Andrew provided a great spark to the Pandemics, he was overshadowed by the talent of his beloved wife Vanessa. Vanessa gets the defensive MVP as she ran down a handful of foul balls while playing catcher. She kept the defense going while the rust was coming off!
It was a great night for softball! Congratulations to the Pandemics on improving to 6-0! Teams are now gunning to get a shot at us, and we need to keep it going. We don’t have a game scheduled next week because of the holiday. However, I am going to try to arrange a pick up game for Tuesday night. If we can’t get one, it could be fun to go to the batting cages. I’ll keep y’all posted.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
HHS Pandemics vs. EPA Green Monsters
Last night the Mighty Pandemics took to the recently mowed Haines Point field to square off against the “Green Monsters” of the EPA (I guess they changed their name). The Pandemics showed up in full force with 25 strong wearing the beautiful blue Pandemics jersey.
The bats ignited early giving the Pandemics a 4-0 lead after two innings. The Pandemics mighty defense kept the Monsters at a safe distance heading into the bottom of the 6th with the score at 9-3. After Angela Hope batted in a run, giving us a 10-3 lead, the Green Monsters came up for what should have been their final at bat. Andy Briggs, at pitcher, closed the Monsters down in what should have been the final inning by allowing only 2 runs, bringing the score to 10-5. However, the game wasn’t over. The Green Monsters persuaded the Pandemics to play an extra inning. This tactic almost worked, but in the end the Pandemics defense, led by left fielder Ben Sasse, closed down their last inning rally leaving the final score Pandemics 10, Green Monsters 8. It was a great game!
The big wet ball award goes to Patrick Jaxsens and Drew Smith who both cranked homeruns so far, they landed in the Potomac. Credit must be given to the brains of our team, Patrick Conway, who is our infamous white house fellow. On his first at bat, the opposing pitcher recognized Conway, and began bombarding him with comments like… “aren’t you too smart to play softball?” Conway in his gentle manner stepped up and confidently sacked a ball deep into the outfield. While approaching third base, Conway quickly calculated the time he had to reach 3rd base before the ball that had been thrown by the center fielder reached the 3rd baseman. Realizing from his calculation that he had no hope of being safe, Conway hit the turf to perform a move he had determined would be the only chance he had of not getting thrown out. As he slid into the bag, Conway’s shoe knocked the ball out of the 3rd baseman’s glove bringing him safely to third base. It was a brilliantly calculated move.
Ben Sasse also performed a miraculous catch while playing left field. The Green Monsters had 2 on base with 2 outs, and were in the midst of what could have been a game changing rally. One of their power hitters stepped up to the plate and knocked one into deep left field. What happened next was described to me by a bystander who watched the miraculous catch (the sun was so bright we couldn’t see it happen). Allegedly, Sasse turned to run down the screaming ball that was destined to land in the muddy water of the Potomac. Realizing the ball was water bound, Sasse ripped off his shirt, dove in the water, and swam to where the ball was headed and made the catch while treading water. No one from the field could see this spectacular catch because the sun was so bright, or it may have been caused by Sasse’s need for a tan, but regardless the catch was made and the rally ended. As Sasse ran back to the dugout his wavy hair was damp.
It was a great night for softball, and the Pandemics move to 5-0! We are sitting pretty at the top of the league. (League Standings) We don’t have another scheduled game until June 16, but I am going to try to schedule a game before then. You can keep track of the schedule on the blog:
Congratulations again for the great victory! Let’s keep the Pandemic roaring!
Coach Nelson
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Pandemics vs. Department of Defense
Last night around 6:45 pm EDT, a pandemic, with a roaring offensive strike, struck the Department of Defense in the capitol of our country. The battle that followed raised questions about the stability of our country’s defense. The Pandemic, also known as the HHS Pandemics, brought down the Department of Defense in a high powered offensive battle by a final score of 23-18. The Pandemics improved their undefeated record to 4-0, clinching a first place standing in the league.
The highlights from the Pandemics offensive showing last night were unlimited. Angela Glenn, playing in her second game, stepped up to the plate in the top of the 7th inning. The outfielders of the opposing team crept in to prepare for her hit. Glenn stepped up and knocked the skin off the ball; hitting it at least 30 yards over the left fielders head. After shouting an expletive the fielder dropped his glove, knocked off his hat and went running after the ball. Glenn could have walked the bases to record the first female home run of the season! Glenn’s homerun began a 7th inning rally that gave us a sufficient cushion to close out the game. Home runs were also hit by Drew Smith, Ray Sass, Ben Sasse, Riley Swinehart, Jeffrey Anderson, Mike Nelson and Patrick Jaxsens. It was not a bad night with our bats.
For the ladies of the team, the game was enhanced by Fabio’s shirtless cameo appearance in the 2nd inning. At one point in the game Ray Sass stepped up to bat and noticed Fabio, accompanied by his Barbie girlfriend, watching the game while doing pushups in right field. Sass, while not an envious man, decided to put an end to this ridiculous demonstration by cranking a pop fly that landed about 3 feet from Fabio’s bobbing head. Fabio enjoyed the rest of the game behind a tree.
It was a great night for softball, and thank you to everyone that came out to support us. Our next game is this coming Monday, June 2nd against my former team, the EPA Gang Green.
I will send out a reminder about the game tomorrow.
Coach Nelson
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
The first 6 innings went back and forth with neither team getting much going in terms of a rally. At the beginning of the final inning GSA led by a score of 6-4, and Coach Nelson was visibly shaken by the thought of our first potential loss. The Pandemics, led by Jeff Anderson’s lead-off single, cranked out 8 runs in the top of the final inning to take a 12-6 lead, and gave us a good enough cushion to close the game out. In the bottom of the final inning the defense held strong for a final score of 12-9.
If any of you watched ESPN’s Sports Center last night, you may have seen Drew Smith’s layout catch in the top 10 plays of the day. Running at full speed, Smith elevated himself and flew vertically to meet the ball with an outstretched glove. It was a spectacular catch. Angela Hope closed down a GSA rally by snagging a high hit fly ball into shallow center field. Hope confessed after the game she did it with her eyes closed. The women also gave the Pandemics a spark with their bats led by Preeya Noronha, Rebecca Ayer, Holly Kilness, and Ben Sasse who went 5 for 5 on the night.
Go Pandemics!
Coach Nelson
Rebecca Ayer with cute Corey Sasse
I got it...