Wednesday night the Pandemics squared off in a practice game against the GSA G-Wackers. After a frustrating defensive performance the week before, The Pandemics tightened up and played an incredible defensive game holding the Wackers to 6 runs. Our offense slowed a bit from the week before and we ended up leaving too many runners on the bases. The game ended going extra innings with the final score: GSA 7 HHS 7. Tie ball game.
Our Defence was led by Bill "I catch fly balls in my sleep" Steiger. Steiger caught several clutch deep balls to close innings with runners in scoring position. Ben "the bloody vacuum" Sasse, sucked up anything that was in close proximity to him. After shagging a pop fly, Sasse managed to catch the runner in a hot box between home and 3rd; Sasse ran towards the runner looking to make the tag, and in a act of heroism, dove towards the runner, tagging him on the back and in the process tearing up his knee. The following day Sasse proudly displayed the wound through his bloody suit pants. The bloody suit pants will be kept in the HHS hall of fame in the same manner as Schillings bloody sock is displayed in the baseball hall of fame. Aaron "keep em on the bag" Hase was almost benched when "The Bloody Vacuum" caught a fly ball and clearly threw out a runner trying to advance to second without tagging the base. Before the play Hase and the female base runner were engaged in some "deep conversation." After the play Hase argued that the female runner was safe and should be allowed to stay at first base. This proved to be an effective strategy because on the following play the female runner didn't want to leave the base, and was thrown out at second.
Home runs were hit by Michael "the swinger" Banyas, and Drew "big guns" Smith. It was a great night on the field, and everyone played well. Next game we will keep the defense tight and bring the runners on base home.
Thanks to everyone for coming out. I am working to schedule another practice game next week as we have another bye. I'll keep everyone posted.
Coach Nelson
Our Defence was led by Bill "I catch fly balls in my sleep" Steiger. Steiger caught several clutch deep balls to close innings with runners in scoring position. Ben "the bloody vacuum" Sasse, sucked up anything that was in close proximity to him. After shagging a pop fly, Sasse managed to catch the runner in a hot box between home and 3rd; Sasse ran towards the runner looking to make the tag, and in a act of heroism, dove towards the runner, tagging him on the back and in the process tearing up his knee. The following day Sasse proudly displayed the wound through his bloody suit pants. The bloody suit pants will be kept in the HHS hall of fame in the same manner as Schillings bloody sock is displayed in the baseball hall of fame. Aaron "keep em on the bag" Hase was almost benched when "The Bloody Vacuum" caught a fly ball and clearly threw out a runner trying to advance to second without tagging the base. Before the play Hase and the female base runner were engaged in some "deep conversation." After the play Hase argued that the female runner was safe and should be allowed to stay at first base. This proved to be an effective strategy because on the following play the female runner didn't want to leave the base, and was thrown out at second.
Home runs were hit by Michael "the swinger" Banyas, and Drew "big guns" Smith. It was a great night on the field, and everyone played well. Next game we will keep the defense tight and bring the runners on base home.
Thanks to everyone for coming out. I am working to schedule another practice game next week as we have another bye. I'll keep everyone posted.
Coach Nelson
field after a great inning
The Pandemics pause for a photo after their victory
The ASPA men, Jonathan Cain and Ray Sass, keeping a close eye on the competition
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